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Auf Wiedersehen Pet, Merchandise, News, Shop, Shopping -

The Classic White T-Shirt is the latest addition to the Shop! Many fans asked for a simple white T-Shirt featuring the Official and original logo as seen in Series 1 & 2. It's simple, sleek, high quality and you all seem to love it!  When we create merchandise for the shop, we always look at feed back from fans, and build our designs around what fans want. We are always working on new lines, and in 2015, we hope to launch more products than ever before. When we look back at our original release, the 'Scanda Sauna' T-Shirt we see how...

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Auf Wiedersehen Pet, Merchandise, News, Shop, Shopping -

Welcome to the brand new Auf Wiedersehen, Pet Shop! The Fansite is forever expanding, so we have now upgraded to a more powerful shopping platform, to make sure your shopping experience is a smooth as possible.  We hope you find this layout a better shopping experience, and also find it easier to shop through Facebook! If you didn't know, you can shop direct from Facebook without logging out, making it easier than ever to get your hands on exclusive merchandise.

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